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41 Benefits of Live Streaming Your Event

By Nicole Walker, Arinex

INCON has compiled a list of articles and tips from our Partner companies that might be helpful when creating events and conferences during COVID-19. It is a stressful time to be working on events, we hope these articles can make your life a little bit easier.

You will find the rest of the articles here: Virtual live streaming of events has become commonplace due to the global COVID-19 crisis. However virtual and hybrid events have many benefits both now and in the long term. This extensive list from our partner Arinex, explores the advantages of going virtual.

  1. Workload for events decreased with no organisation of accommodation, people on site, caterers etc.

  2. Increased attendance due to no restrictions on numbers

  3. Low cost registration or free

  4. Measure success in real time allowing continuous improvement

  5. Transition is easy as people are familiar with webinars and live streaming

  6. No excessive travel especially longdistance flights

  7. Opportunity to have increased participation from developing countries

  8. Delegate participation is higher because they are less intimidated

  9. More questions at networking as its more comfortable than face to face

  10. Can replay key learnings easily and immediately after event

  11. More flexible as you can listen/attend at your convenience

  12. Opportunity to curate/target a showcase of solutions to attendees

  13. Less delegate management time with no flights and hotels to arrange

  14. More likely to get diverse roles in organisations attending

  15. More likely to get skeptics or employers who are skeptics attending

  16. More likely to gain international audience

  17. Financial Benefits higher with no venue rental, staffing or catering

  18. More likely to get senior executives who are time poor

  19. More likely to get junior/early career people who are cost prohibited

  20. Non-discriminatory for those who are unable to travel due to childcare, health & disability

  21. Virtual events have a lower commitment than in person

  22. Opportunity to grow digital initiatives for promotion of virtual events

  23. People are spending more time online, so there is a chance to really engage

  24. Direct access to keynote speakers providing trust with attendees

  25. Brand consistency on all elements making your brand more recognisable

  26. Flexibility with how attendees access event i.e. mobile phone, desktop, boardroom

  27. Monetise event by selecting a technology that integrates with a ticketing platform

  28. Flexibility with cost outlays, select the technology platform you can afford

  29. Potential to secure higher level guest speakers due to lesser time commitment

  30. Real time interaction leads to more engagement

  31. Possibility of building trust and a deeper connection with the audience

  32. Learn more about your audience through online data

  33. Opportunity to run a survey immediately after virtual session and get immediate feedback

  34. Recorded webcast can be reused and repurposed throughout the year

  35. Can sell off your live stream to an industry publication or organisation and allow use

  36. Expand sponsorship opportunities offering smaller packages where each session is sponsored

  37. Opportunity to target dormant members of associations

  38. Can archive all events

  39. Ultimately can reach much larger numbers with key information

  40. Run opinion polls and true viewer engagement stats to get crucial feedback

  41. Opportunity to offer exactly what attendees want in short segments


PDF version of article (PDF, 220 kb)

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